Becoming Whole and Manifesting Your Best Life

It’s been a long and difficult road.

You’ve spent so much of your life-giving your power away to other people that it’s decimated your self-confidence and resolution to build your dreams.

You’ve spent your life looking outward for approval. Constantly needing and looking to others to lift you has taken its toll.

Sometimes, you think the life you want to live is nothing more than a pipe dream – that all the good things you dream about can happen only to other people, not you.

But you know where you want to go.

You’ve been doing the work, yet you’ve noticed the recurrence of some patterns you thought you’d overcome (spending habits, volatile relationships, over-commitment, etc.).

You can’t keep having the same conversations with yourself.

You want more and are bored and frustrated with the same old daily routines. Much more.

You’re fed up with false promises and wasted time. You’re ready for some serious action NOW. It’s time. It’s gone from may and might to MUST.

You’re ready – for something better.

Ready for genuine, profound fulfillment and happiness. No more empty success. It’s time you raised your standards – for the blessings of life you deserve and how they make you feel.

Ready for deep introspection. It’s time to dive super deep – discover your true mindset, uncover and heal old wounds, and start returning to alignment with your truest self.

Ready for change. You love taking action, but you’re tired of the same old routine of forcing things to happen. It’s time to align your actions, so the details of your life fall naturally into place.

Ready for freedom. It’s time to break society’s expectations of how you should behave – and create your own dream life.

Excited. You’re excited to enjoy a life of ease, flow, and abundance.

And it’s time to get there.

You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction.

You want to harness it to unlock the next level of your life.

Attitude is everything.

Think about the program you run every day in your mind. Have you ever considered where it comes from?

Day after day, you operate on a belief system cemented in your brain – from birth and throughout childhood – by your parents, family, teachers, and all your significant others.

The faulty “unworthy” beliefs you soaked up in your childhood (no matter how bad – or good – they were) attract you to the familiarity and comfort of your emotional wounds.

You’re ready – to break the cycle.

If you want real change, you’ve got to break that unhealthy cycle of attraction.

It’s time to take a stand for yourself.

To choose a heart-led way of life. To look within yourself and rediscover your joy and light. To overcome the “learned” negativity and silence your inner critic.

You weren’t “born this way.”

Lady Gaga’s got a catchy tune and a finger on the pulse of pop culture, but she’s wrong about this one.

You weren’t “born” doubting yourself, hating yourself, and feeling like you weren’t good enough. You picked up all that crap somewhere else.

It’s time to let that sh*t go. Seriously.

It’s time to rebuild your mindset into an unshakeable fortress of support. To arm yourself with so much self-love that you don’t take crap from anyone.

And then, go after those big dreams of yours.

You’re ready – to make a choice.

It’s time to choose you. To focus your beautiful energy on yourself.

To brush off the dust of the world and let your light shine!

It’s time to discover who you truly are – and what you’re meant to have in this life.

It won’t always be easy, but you’ll never be alone. I’ll be here to help you along every step with interim calls to support your progress between sessions, personalized assignments (growth-work, aka homework – but the fun kind), and further reading recommendations and techniques to use alongside our relevant work and exercises.

I’ve walked this path. I know the way. And I’d love to show it to you.

You’re ready. So, let’s go!

It’s time to start creating the life you truly want – by manifesting it.

Manifestation brings something into your life through belief, attraction, and action.

Manifesting is a co-creative process that encourages you to tap into your full potential. You propel it into motion by nurturing your desires while releasing your fears.

Together, let’s pave a clear way.

There are lots of issues that could stop you from bringing your desires into your reality:

What if you’re frustrated about turning your mindset around and can’t get rid of the negative thoughts?

What if you’re too specific – or not specific enough?

What if you can’t match your mindset to the outcome? What if you’re spending too much time thinking about what you don’t have?

Together, we’ll remove all the obstacles.

Let’s face the biggest challenge head-on.

The number one roadblock to manifesting is limiting beliefs – deeply embedded core beliefs formed about yourself and the world from a young age.

Often, you may not even be aware of these beliefs. I may ask, “Do you feel worthy?”

You may think, “Yes, I am worthy!” However, this is only on the surface. Somewhere, deep within, something has caused you to feel unworthy.

And overcome it step-by-step.

Phase 1 – Clear and Cleanse. Together, we’ll uncover your negative core beliefs and root them out at the source. Then, we’ll use EMDR (bilateral stimulation) to desensitize the event at its origin. Next, we’ll flip the script – rewriting the old negativity into a new affirmation about your true self.

Dreams built on the shifting sand of limiting beliefs leave you feeling anxious and insecure. By clearing rubble and establishing a strong foundation, you’ll feel more confident in your abilities to manifest – and have fun along the way.

Phase 2 – Recharge and Reset. This phase is all about aligning you with your dreams! Energetically, we’ll shift your feelings from fear to fun and help you create a space where you manifest from pleasure – not pressure.

We’ll define and refine your true inner desires. We focus not on what you have been told to want but on what feeds your passion, purpose, and meaning in life.

Phase 3 – Design Your Dreams.
Now that you’re all set vibrationally, we can do the fun stuff and build those dreams! Once you’re stronger and more energized, you’ll be in the perfect place to manifest magic and have a whole lot of fun along the way.

During this phase, we’ll clarify specifically what you want by visualizing and actually writing out your goals. You’ll acknowledge resistance (frustrations, anxiety, fears, and regrets) and let them GO! At the same time, you’ll show gratitude in your goals journal, where you keep evidence of your realized goals.

Most importantly, you’ll believe you’re worthy to receive.

Yes, you CAN.

I strongly believe that you CAN transform your thinking and live an abundant life.

You can do it with the power of authenticity, self-leadership, development of intuition, and cultivation of a strong connection between heart, mind, and the Universe.

Let me help you rediscover and reconnect with yourself. Together, we’ll dig deep into matters of your heart. Side by side, we’ll explore what you really want – and not what you have convinced yourself that you should want.

With me, you can finally take off your mask and exhale.

You’re ready. You need only to reach out so we can get started. I’m here – also ready – and waiting for you.

Master your mindset and lose the limits – for Good. Call for a free consultation: (209) 791-6191.