EMDR therapy stands out as a highly effective method for addressing trauma and facilitating recovery. True Mind Therapy, located in Austin, TX, specializes in offering personalized EMDR trauma therapy services designed to support individuals in their journey toward healing and empowerment. As a seasoned practitioner of EMDR therapy, Taralynn Robinson, your therapist at True Mind Therapy, is committed to delivering personalized care and guidance aimed at assisting clients in navigating their traumatic experiences. With a focus on creating a safe and supportive environment, I work collaboratively with clients to address their specific needs and facilitate healing. Through my specialized approach, I aim to empower individuals to take charge of their lives and move toward a brighter future. 

What is EMDR Therapy?

Trauma is a deeply impactful experience that can leave lasting emotional scars, affecting various aspects of an individual’s life. EMDR therapy, short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, provides a comprehensive approach to addressing trauma-related symptoms by facilitating the processing and integration of distressing memories. Developed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., EMDR therapy has a rich history of efficacy backed by research and clinical evidence.


Through bilateral stimulation techniques, EMDR trauma therapy helps individuals navigate through traumatic memories and associated negative beliefs, allowing for a more adaptive resolution of past experiences. This unique approach to trauma therapy using EMDR targets not only the symptoms but also the underlying reasons for distress, offering relief from anxiety, flashbacks, and emotional reactivity.


At True Mind Therapy, my commitment to providing compassionate and effective trauma treatment is evident in my personalized approach to EMDR therapy. I understand that each individual’s experience of trauma is unique. As such, I tailor my therapy sessions to meet your individual needs and preferences. As a licensed therapist, I bring expertise and experience to the table, ensuring you feel safe and supported throughout your healing process.

The Science Behind EMDR Therapy

The brain possesses a remarkable capacity for healing itself, particularly in response to traumatic experiences. When individuals encounter trauma, the brain initiates a series of processes aimed at processing and integrating the traumatic memories. This natural healing process involves various regions of the brain, which work together to encode, store, and retrieve memories. Through mechanisms like memory consolidation and neural plasticity, the brain endeavors to adapt and recover from the impact of trauma over time.


In some cases, traumatic memories may fail to undergo the natural healing process and become stuck or maladaptively stored in the brain. When traumatic memories remain unprocessed, they can give rise to distressing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and emotional reactivity. This phenomenon occurs due to disruptions in the normal communication between brain regions responsible for processing and regulating emotions. As a result, individuals may find themselves re-experiencing the traumatic event repeatedly, leading to significant distress and impairment in daily functioning.


Bilateral stimulation is a vital component of EMDR therapy, a specialized approach to trauma treatment. During EMDR trauma therapy sessions, bilateral stimulation is typically administered through eye movements, auditory tones, or tactile sensations. This bilateral stimulation is believed to enhance the reprocessing of traumatic memories by engaging both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. By alternating stimulation between the left and right sides of the body or sensory field, EMDR therapy aims to promote the adaptive integration of distressing memories into existing cognitive frameworks. As a result, individuals can experience a decrease in the level of emotional intensity and distress associated with traumatic memories, ultimately leading to symptom relief and psychological healing.

Benefits of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy offers a number of benefits for individuals seeking trauma recovery. One significant advantage is the relief from distressing symptoms commonly associated with trauma, including anxiety, flashbacks, and emotional reactivity. By focusing on the underlying causes of these symptoms, EMDR trauma therapy can help individuals experience a reduction in their intensity and frequency, leading to improved overall well-being.


Another benefit of trauma therapy using EMDR is its ability to address negative core beliefs that often develop as a result of trauma. These deeply ingrained beliefs, such as feelings of worthlessness or powerlessness, can significantly impact self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. Through targeted therapeutic interventions, EMDR trauma therapy aims to challenge and reframe these negative beliefs, promoting a more positive self-concept and greater self-confidence.


Additionally, EMDR therapy supports improved emotional regulation and self-esteem. EMDR treatment empowers people to build better-coping strategies and a higher feeling of self-efficacy by assisting them in processing and integrating traumatic memories in a safe and supportive setting. This enhanced emotional resilience empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges more effectively and cultivate more fulfilling relationships.


Furthermore, trauma therapy using EMDR facilitates the enhanced processing and integration of traumatic memories, allowing individuals to move beyond their past experiences and achieve a greater sense of closure and resolution. By reprocessing traumatic memories in a controlled therapeutic setting, individuals can gain new insights and perspectives, reducing the emotional impact associated with these memories and promoting psychological healing and growth.


Overall, the benefits of EMDR trauma therapy extend beyond symptom relief to encompass profound changes in emotional well-being, self-perception, and interpersonal functioning. Through its holistic approach to trauma recovery, EMDR therapy offers individuals the opportunity to reclaim their lives and move forward with renewed resilience and hope.


Why Choose EMDR Therapy at True Mind Therapy?

Expertise and Experience

When considering trauma treatment options, choosing EMDR therapy at True Mind Therapy can provide several distinct advantages. True Mind Therapy specializes in providing EMDR therapy services tailored to each patient’s specific need. As a licensed therapist with extensive experience and expertise in trauma treatment, clients can feel confident in the quality of care they receive. My commitment to staying up to date with the latest advancements in EMDR therapy ensures that individuals get the most effective and evidence-based treatment available.

Having worked with a large number of clients with trauma experiences, I possess a thorough understanding of the intricate nature of trauma and its effects on individuals. My approach is based on compassion, empathy, and a genuine desire to support clients on their healing journey. By leveraging my expertise, I can tailor EMDR treatment sessions to each patient’s needs, creating a secure and encouraging atmosphere for trauma exploration and recovery. 

Safe and Supportive Environment


Establishing a safe and supportive environment is a cornerstone of the EMDR trauma therapy sessions offered at True Mind Therapy. I prioritize establishing an atmosphere where clients feel comfortable exploring their trauma and embarking on their healing journey. My approach emphasizes empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard, fostering a sense of trust and openness between myself and my clients.


I understand the importance of building a caring relationship with my clients, as it lays the foundation for effective therapy. By cultivating a space where clients feel heard, understood, and respected, I empower them to confront their trauma and work toward healing. At True Mind Therapy, clients can expect to receive compassionate support and guidance every step of the way as they navigate their trauma recovery process.

Personalized Treatment Approach

I take a personalized treatment approach to trauma therapy using EMDR, recognizing that each individual’s experience of trauma is unique. This involves tailoring therapy sessions to address each client’s specific requirements and preferences, ensuring they receive the most effective and relevant treatment possible. Additionally, I offer flexibility in pacing therapy sessions and addressing specific trauma-related issues, allowing clients to progress at their own pace and focus on areas that are most important to them.


Empowering clients is a central focus of my approach to trauma therapy using EMDR. I believe in empowering clients to actively participate in their healing journey, providing them with the resources and support they need to overcome their trauma and reclaim their lives. By emphasizing client empowerment, I aim to instill a sense of strength, resilience, and self-efficacy in my clients as they work toward healing and recovery.


What to Expect at True Mind Therapy: Unlocking Healing Potential with EMDR Therapy

You can expect to experience the remarkable potential of EMDR therapy in Austin, TX, with True Mind Therapy. EMDR stands out for its ability to provide soothing relief, enhance interpersonal relationships, and facilitate trauma healing. What sets EMDR apart is its unique approach to alleviating distress without requiring verbal recounting of traumatic memories. Instead, this therapy leverages the brain’s natural processing mechanisms to foster profound healing without re-traumatization.

During EMDR processing sessions, clients are not obliged to narrate their traumatic experiences verbally. Instead, the therapist creates a safe and supportive environment, allowing individuals to navigate the processing of memories easily. This innovative approach empowers clients to find relief from chronic symptoms like panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive memories, among others.

Moreover, trauma therapy using EMDR is highly effective in targeting and dismantling persistent emotional blocks and negative thought patterns. By addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, body image concerns, and phobias, EMDR enables individuals to experience profound emotional liberation and renewed psychological well-being.

Ultimately, EMDR trauma therapy fosters a sense of focus, inner calm, and equilibrium in everyday life. It empowers individuals to embark on their healing journeys with newfound resilience and peace of mind, knowing that True Mind Therapy is dedicated to supporting them every step.

Your EMDR Intensive Experience

At True Mind Therapy, I also offer EMDR Intensive Therapy intended to offer comprehensive and personalized care for individuals seeking relief from trauma-related symptoms. Unlike traditional EMDR therapy sessions, which are typically spread out over several weeks or months, an EMDR Intensive condenses the therapy process into a shorter period, often spanning multiple consecutive days. During an EMDR Intensive, clients engage in extended therapy sessions, allowing for deeper exploration and processing of traumatic memories and experiences. This concentrated approach aims to accelerate the healing process and achieve significant progress in a shorter timeframe. EMDR Intensives are structured to provide comprehensive care and support, focusing on addressing each client’s individual needs and goals. My EMDR Intensive includes:

Consultation and Assessment

During the initial phase of consultation and assessment of your EMDR Intensive, I take the time to understand your unique experiences and challenges. Together, we explore whether EMDR therapy is the right approach for addressing your needs. Through open dialogue and careful listening, I identify the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that may be fueling your distress. This comprehensive assessment lays the foundation for creating a targeted treatment plan that is tailored to your specific circumstances and goals.

Personalized Treatment Workbook

As part of your EMDR Intensive, you’ll receive a personalized treatment workbook crafted specifically for you. This workbook is a practical tool to support your healing journey outside therapy sessions. It contains exercises, prompts, and resources designed to help you track your progress, process your experiences, and stay focused on your goals. By engaging with the workbook between sessions, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and enhance the effectiveness of your therapy.

Customized Treatment Program

Your EMDR Intensive is structured around a customized treatment program that is designed to address your unique needs and objectives. Together, we establish clear, targeted goals for your therapy, ensuring that each session is purposeful and effective. Intensives typically span several hours over multiple days to allow for comprehensive exploration and processing of your experiences. By customizing the duration and frequency of sessions, we ensure that your treatment plan is flexible and responsive to your progress and preferences.

Post-Treatment Interview

Following the conclusion of your EMDR Intensive, I conduct a post-treatment interview to assess your response to therapy and evaluate your progress. This important step allows us to reflect on the changes you’ve experienced and identify any lingering concerns or areas for further exploration. I can help you integrate the insights and skills gained from therapy into your daily life by maintaining open communication and ongoing support. Follow-up sessions can be scheduled as needed to provide continued guidance and reinforcement as you continue your journey toward healing and growth.

If you’re ready to experience the transformative benefits of EMDR therapy in Austin, TX, through my Intensive program, don’t hesitate to contact True Mind Therapy to schedule your consultation and take the next step toward healing and empowerment.


Specialized Services for Trauma Recovery at True Mind Therapy

Support for Survivors of Sexual Trauma

At True Mind Therapy, I provide personalized support specifically designed to help survivors of sexual trauma navigate their path to healing and empowerment. In our therapy sessions, I approach each individual with compassion and understanding, delving into the complex emotions they may be experiencing, such as shame, fear, and negativity. Together, we explore how these traumatic experiences have affected their sense of self-worth, trust in others, and ability to form healthy relationships, acknowledging the significant hurdles they face in overcoming these challenges.


As part of my specialized approach, I introduce survivors to EMDR therapy, a highly effective method for addressing the lingering effects of sexual trauma. EMDR trauma therapy works by facilitating the processing and integration of traumatic memories, allowing survivors to regain control over their thoughts and emotions gradually. Through this process, survivors can reclaim their sense of identity and resilience, enabling them to move forward with greater confidence and strength.


At True Mind Therapy, I prioritize creating a safe and encouraging environment where survivors feel empowered to confront their trauma and embark on their journey toward healing. By fostering a sense of trust and compassion, I help survivors cultivate self-compassion and rebuild their confidence, ultimately empowering them to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives beyond their past experiences of trauma.

Overcoming Compulsive Behaviors

In addressing compulsive behaviors, it’s essential to recognize the significant effect that trauma can have on these patterns. Trauma often lies at the root of compulsive behaviors, serving as a catalyst for addictive patterns that individuals may struggle to break free from. At True Mind Therapy, I work closely with clients to understand the underlying trauma driving their compulsions, offering insights into how these behaviors serve as coping mechanisms for unresolved pain and distress.


EMDR trauma therapy offers a unique approach to addressing compulsive behaviors by targeting the underlying trauma that fuels these patterns. By processing traumatic memories and associated emotions, EMDR therapy helps individuals break free from the vicious cycle of addiction and compulsivity. Through this process, clients can achieve lasting recovery and emotional wellness, gaining the tools to overcome their compulsive behaviors and reclaim control over their lives.


My focus is on supporting clients as they navigate their journey toward recovery, providing a safe and non-judgmental space where they can explore the underlying trauma driving their compulsive behaviors. Together, we work towards achieving sustainable healing and emotional well-being, empowering clients to lead happy and meaningful lives free from the hold of addiction and compulsivity.

Taking the First Step Towards Healing

Taking the first step towards healing requires courage and determination, as it involves facing difficult emotions and seeking support. True Mind Therapy understands the challenges individuals face when dealing with trauma and encourages them to reach out for help. Acknowledging the bravery of seeking assistance is essential in beginning the journey towards healing and empowerment.


If you’re ready to embark on your path to healing, I extend a warm invitation to contact True Mind Therapy today. Whether you’re seeking information about EMDR therapy in Austin, TX, or are ready to schedule a session, I’m here to offer guidance and support every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take that important first step towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Begin Your Journey to Recovery

As you begin your path toward recovery, it’s crucial to understand the advantages that EMDR therapy brings to trauma healing. EMDR offers a systematic method for processing traumatic memories and easing related symptoms like anxiety and flashbacks. Through proper support and therapy, finding healing and relief becomes not just a possibility but an attainable goal.


At True Mind Therapy, I provide the necessary assistance and direction for you to navigate this journey to healing. With EMDR therapy, individuals can reclaim their inner strength and progress toward a more hopeful future. By confronting the root effects of trauma and fostering resilience, you can take significant strides toward emotional well-being. If you’re ready to take the first step towards recovery, know that I’m here to guide you through each stage of the process.


Ready to take the first step toward healing and empowerment? Contact True Mind Therapy today at (209) 791-6191 to schedule your session for EMDR therapy in Austin, TX, and begin your journey to recovery.