Where are you located?

You can find True Mind Therapy at the following address:

1406 Camp Craft Road
Suite 205
Austin, TX 78746

What is your cancellation policy?

If you have to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we’ll need 24 hours’ advance notice. This allows me to fill the spot with someone else who is waiting.

If you do not call within 24 hours before your appointment or do not show up, you will be charged a $100 no-show/late cancellation fee. This fee might be waived in case of emergency or illness.

What can I expect in the first counseling session?

Typically, we take the first session to review any paperwork that has not been completed and get your detailed history. We’ll talk about confidentiality, financial information, and scheduling.

We’ll also discuss your goals for therapy and what it might look like for you, creating a plan of action and setting future appointments if you choose.

How do I know an EMDR Intensive is right for me?

If new or old trauma has disrupted your life and you quickly want to get back to how you were functioning before…

If you’re ready and willing to let go of pain and move toward healing…

…then an EMDR Intensive is right for you!

What is a free initial consultation?
The consultation is 30 minutes long, where I will ask you some questions about your issues and explain what type of work we would do together. You will also have some time to ask me questions. I offer this session on the phone or virtual.
How long is a typical session?
A typical session is 50 to 80 minutes long. I find EMDR is more effective in 80-minute sessions. However, every client is different in how long they need for processing.
Cats or Dogs?
Both! I have a kitten named Miko and would like to get a dog one day. I have always wanted a monkey!
What is the hourly fee?
I charge $150 for a 50-minute session and $200 for an 80-minute session.