Online Therapy

Meeting online has some major benefits!

If you live in Austin, you know that traveling any distance can be stressful. Commuting can be a pain – plowing through traffic, battling for parking, and spending tons of money on gas. With online therapy, you can avoid all that.

It’s also easier to schedule. Maybe you only have a lunch hour… or a brief period here and there between running your kids to sports or play dates… or a job with non-traditional hours. With online therapy, we can squeeze sessions into those breaks in your busy life.

Online therapy is not limited to a therapist near your home. We can work together as long as you live somewhere in Texas!

Save yourself time and money!

I offer online therapy through Zoom, Doxy, and Remote EMDR so that you won’t have to waste time and money traveling to my office.

When we work together, YOU get to pick where we meet – a space where you feel most comfortable at a time that suits your schedule.

With online therapy, we can meet from your favorite chair, on your patio, on your phone, in your pajamas, or while you’re still sweating from your workout just before the session!

And what’s more, therapy can be draining, and you’ll have your bed right there if you’d like to nap after we finish.

Teletherapy is as effective as in-person therapy for most clients.

Online EMDR therapy has become routine for many EMDR therapists and clients.

Both therapists and clients enjoy the ease of meeting online and avoiding long commutes and time constraints. Research supports that EMDR online has resulted in substantial mental health improvements. This 2-Minute Medicine article ‘Online Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy may improve mental health’ and this Medical Dialogue’s article point to a recent study by McGowan et al. (2021), cited here. (EMDRIA.ORG)

My clients are more relaxed and at ease in their own space than a therapy office. I look into how my clients create their own space and meet their beloved pets that can offer added comfort to their therapy session.

As an experienced therapist who had to adjust to online therapy abruptly, I learned to tune in to my clients over the screen, reading non-verbal cues and body language.

The requirements are minimal.

You need a safe, private space (home, car, etc.) free from interruptions and distractions.

You will also need an Internet connection and a device (cell phone, iPad, laptop, or computer). I will provide a safe link that is HIPAA-compliant.

All you do is click the link, and I’ll be right there with you!

Let’s get started!

It is time to start your healing journey.

Call me at (209) 791-6191 to set up a  free 30-minute consultation to discuss your needs and see if we are a good fit to work together.