Overcoming Compulsive Behaviors

You’re spiraling out of control.

You thought you could stop anytime you wanted, but you’ve had to admit to yourself – you can’t. The truth is…you can’t stop at all.

Health, relationships, even your job be damned – you can’t seem to help yourself, no matter what the consequences.

Depressed, angry, irritable – unable to control your emotions – you’re afraid to spend time with people these days. You never know what you’ll do or say. And somebody might ask uncomfortable questions. Better just to avoid them altogether.

You lie awake night after night, obsessing about what you’ve done. The anxiety about what you’re dealing with is driving you crazy.

But you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault.

It might surprise you that almost half of those struggling with Substance Use Disorder have experienced some trauma and suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

If you’re suffering from unresolved trauma, you may have relied on maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, avoidance, and emotional withdrawal. And the effects aren’t just emotional; traumatic events can also cause physical harm.

And the more you attempt to suppress traumatic memories, the more the addictive behaviors occur.

The bad news? Some people never get past the cycle.

I’ve seen many achieve a period of wellness, often after several rounds of therapy (most people attend treatment for Substance Use Disorder at least five times), only to continue relapsing.

Sadly, they never have the chance to attack the root of the problem, so the unresolved trauma remains hidden, and the asshole inner critic remains unchecked. These unfortunate people live their lives in survival mode.

One thing is clear: if you want to break free and move forward, we need to address the root causes of your behaviors and reactions to the trauma you’ve experienced.

The good news? There’s a better way. And I can help.

I’ve worked in this area for over a decade and have provided treatment to hundreds of clients to identify their self-destructive patterns and meet their recovery needs. During your recovery, you must have a plan to change how you respond to your triggers/cravings.

Together, we’ll use EMDR therapy and explore the origins of your core negative beliefs and world views. Then, we’ll use bilateral stimulation to desensitize the events that led to these beliefs.

We’ll also tackle guilt and shame by processing the deep wounds that led to those feelings. Shame paralyzes you and tells you, “You don’t deserve anything.” The resulting emotions lead back to destructive patterns of abuse.

It’s time to try something different.

How many times have you reached sobriety and gotten your life back on track? Then BOOM! You self-sabotage and lose everything you worked so hard for.

EMDR helps you release your old coping mechanisms and learn new recovery tools. It can also reduce your desire or craving for addictive behavior and process the associated past experiences.

Your past experiences do not determine who you are now.

I’m here to help you overcome your struggle, once and for all, with support, clarity, and calm.

It’s time to strive for something better.

Sometimes, the stories your mind tells you can make you sick.

Letting them go can feel terrifying or disorienting, but it’s the battle you need to face – and win.

Sometimes, your mind holds onto things because it simply doesn’t want to admit its limits. Instead, you turn to self-destructive behaviors to numb the pain.

The only way to let go is to journey through the valley of grief, over the mountain of grit and determination, and into the waters of the unknown.

Self-love is often one of the most difficult things to achieve because it’s often a cause of your issues. It involves accepting your flaws as a human being by letting go of internally held bias and allowing yourself to find happiness within rather than through material means.

But you can do it, and I’ll be with you every step.

You can find calm again.

The demons are difficult to overcome, but with therapy, you will find light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s time to stop the self-destructive behaviors and embrace new strategies to help you defeat the pain and rebuild your life and relationships with the ones you love.

Whatever your demon (drinks, pills, gaming, shopping, sex, or something else), don’t wait until a crisis or inner collapse. Reach out now, and let me help you find lasting relief and authentic healing.

You can take charge of your behavior and live a healthier life.

Schedule your free consultation with me today to find out how we can work together to put you back in control: (209) 791-6191.