Support for Survivors of Sexual Trauma

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
–Joseph Campbell

Shame has silenced you….

It wheedles its way into your brain, altering your perspective and beliefs. Soon, it possesses your voice, mesmerizing you with its deceptive /spell.

“It’s my fault.”

“I should have known better.”

“I could have stopped it.”

Whether you suffered abuse as a child or someone forced, tricked, or pressured you into something sexual as an adult, you can’t seem to escape shame’s evil siren song.

Fear has paralyzed you….

Your mind desperately screams, “No!”




But your memories haunt you through a foggy, manipulative haze.

Negativity has imprisoned you….

Used and ashamed, you struggle not to hate your body.

Your self-worth and power are beaten to a shadow, and anxiety and sadness battle to consume you.

Doubt and confusion snap at the heels of every decision you make.

Nearly defeated, you ask yourself, “Can I ever trust my instincts again?”

All you want is to drown out the voices, burn the memories, break free from the rubble of uncertainty, and move on with your life.

Where have you gone?

But the shame. The unrelenting shame. Often, the sinister companion of the abused, shame so deftly blocks the road to redemption that you can never bring yourself to seek sorely needed help.

It’s so difficult even to say those words: “I was….”

Utterly isolated and alone, you begin to believe something is wrong – with you.

Not only do you hesitate to trust yourself, but you can no longer trust others. How could you ever put your faith in a therapist?

You may have felt the sting of judgment, misunderstanding, or even blame from others – perhaps even those closest to you.

Opening up now seems difficult, at best, if not impossible.

You feel no one will believe you, so you’ve simply held onto the horrible, traumatic secret.

But what is the secret doing to you?

Along with the anxiety, you may have fought your way through debilitating panic attacks or PTSD.

The lack of trust may have led to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and even depression.

And it may have affected your bonds with others – you may have problems with sex and intimacy or even avoid close relationships altogether.

But you are NOT lost, and you are NOT alone.

Let me guide you.

I’ll create a safe space where we can build a caring relationship where you feel heard and never judged.

Where we go as fast – or slow – as you need while you learn to trust yourself to set the pace.

Where we’ll use evidence-based techniques such as EMDR or CBT to reduce your symptoms.

And where you can feel empowered in your story.

Your bootstraps will go only so far.

You may have tried to get through this on your own, but there are times when you can actually work against yourself.

Certain parts of your experience can be overwhelming. Though your brain tries to help you, it can get stuck on these elements.

I’ll help you acknowledge the pain while holding space for your strength, courage, and resilience.

I’ll help you cultivate kindness and compassion for yourself in this process.

And I’ll support you as you reconnect to your life, family, friends, and potential intimate partners in a way that makes you feel safe and secure – and, just as importantly, only when you are ready to do so.

Rediscover. Remember. Reunite – with yourself.

Let me help you find the real you – lost in the storm of what happened.

Let me help you sound your authentic voice, your truth.

On our way, you’ll notice that you get through the day with less anxiety and panic. You’re sleeping better and recognizing more moments of peace and joy in your life.

Savor the freedom.

You’re free from the trauma and the past, especially if you’ve felt defined by what happened for a long time.

You’re feeling open – open to others and opportunities. Empowered to set healthy boundaries for your relationships.

For the first time in a long time, you’re feeling hope for the future.

And as you learn to trust yourself again, you’ll say hello again to your new (old) best friend: yourself.

Schedule your free consultation with me today: (209) 791-6191.

“Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.”